202 Joke About Pillows To Sleep On

Welcome to our collection of 202 hilarious jokes

about pillows to sleep on

Here, you will find a wide range of puns and humorous anecdotes that explore the zany world of pillows. Nothing beats a great laugh, and these jokes are sure to keep you entertained. Get ready to rest your head on your favorite cushiony companion and chuckle away! And don’t forget, stay tuned for our

list of puns

in this section – it’s worth the read!


Pillow Talk

Get ready for some belly laughs with these hilarious pillow talk jokes that revolve around our favorite cushiony companions. Enjoy the puns and witty one-liners as you snuggle up in bed for a good night’s rest.

1. Why did the pillow go to the doctor? – Because it was feeling a little down.

2. What do you call a pillow that’s missing its partner? – A cushion without a cause.

3. Why do pillows never want to go to work? – Because they’d rather stay in bed.

4. Why do pillows never tell jokes? – They always sleep on the punchline.

5. What’s a pillow’s favorite way to communicate? – Pillow talk, of course!

pillow talk jokes

6. Why did the pillow get a job at the mattress factory? – Because it wanted to be a pillow boss.

7. What do you get when you cross a pillow with a clock? – A pillow that tickles you awake.

8. Why do pillows make good teachers? – They always have plenty of rest and relaxation.

9. How do you know if a pillow is a good listener? – When it lets you sleep on your problems.

10. What’s a pillow’s favorite dessert? – Napoleons!

Enjoy these hilarious pillow talk jokes and let them send you off into dreamland with a smile.

Dreamland Delights

Looking for some dreamy content to make you laugh before catching some Z’s? Check out these sleep puns and dream jokes:

  1. Why did the insomniac go for a night swim? To fall asleep on a waterbed.
  2. What did one pillow say to the other pillow? “Sweet dreams are made of this…”
  3. Why did the dreamer quit their job? They wanted to pursue their dream job.
  4. What do you call it when you steal someone’s pillow? A cushion-napped!
  5. Why do we tell actors to break a leg? Because every dream has a cast.

Now, don’t let these jokes keep you up all night. Rest your head on your trusty pillow and drift off to dreamland.

dream jokes and sleep puns

Pillow Fight Funnies

Who doesn’t enjoy a good old-fashioned pillow fight? Here are some jokes and quotes to make you laugh while thinking about the hilarity of pillow fights:

  1. Why did the pillow go to the doctor? Because it was having cover issues!
  2. What did one pillow say to the other pillow during their fight? “I’m going to give you a pillowcase you won’t forget!”
  3. Why do pillows always win a fight? Because they know how to keep their cool.
  4. What’s a pillow’s favorite dance move? The pillow-oo!

Get ready to laugh uncontrollably with these pillow fight jokes and funny pillow fight quotes. You deserve to relax and unwind, and what’s better than doing it while laughing your heart out!

pillow fight jokes

Feathered Friends

Let’s wing it with some bird pillow jokes and feather pillow puns that are sure to ruffle some feathers and make you chirp with laughter. Here’s our top 3 jokes:

  1. Why did the chicken need a pillow? To catch up on some egg-stra zzz’s!
  2. What do you call a bird who sleeps on a pillow? A feathered nest-maker!
  3. Why do birds love feather pillows? Because it’s always tweet dreams!

It’s time to fly high with laughter and enjoy these light-hearted puns related to our avian pals.

bird pillow jokes and feather pillow puns

Sweet Dreams, Pillow Schemes

Looking for some humorous quotes to liven up your bedtime routine? Look no further than these funny sleeping quotes and humorous quotes about pillows. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. “My bed isn’t made, it’s just participating in a pillow sham.” – Anonymous
  2. “I don’t always have a good night’s sleep, but when I do, it’s because of my pillow.” – Anonymous
  3. “Pillows don’t just catch our dreams, they also catch our drool.” – Anonymous
  4. “I sleep so much better when I pretend my pillow is a person and we have a conversation.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  5. “My pillow is my best friend. We cuddle all night long.” – Anonymous
  6. “I have a love-hate relationship with my pillow. I love it because it’s soft and squishy, but hate it because it’s always stealing my hair ties.” – Anonymous

These humorous quotes and witty one-liners about sleeping and pillows are sure to make you laugh and brighten up your bedtime routine. And remember, if all else fails, just cuddle up with your favorite pillow and let the laughter soothe you to sleep.

funny sleeping quotes and humorous quotes about pillows

Pillow Puns Galore

Get ready to have a pillow fight… with laughter! We’ve compiled a list of our favorite pillow puns that are sure to make you chuckle.

  1. Why did the pillow go to the doctor? It was feeling a little down.
  2. Why did the pillow break up with the comforter? It needed some space.
  3. What did the pillow say when it got a compliment? “Oh, shucks.”
  4. What do you call a pillow that’s gone bad? A cushion delinquent.
  5. Why are pillows such good listeners? They’re always all ears.
  6. How do you know if your pillow is religious? It’s praying when you’re not looking.
  7. What do you call a pillow that likes to eat? A cushion-carnivore.
  8. Why did the pillow go to the dentist? It needed a little filling.
  9. What do pillows use to stay organized? Pillowcases.
  10. Why did the pillow go to the therapist? It needed to work out some stuffing issues.

Hope these pillow puns gave you a good laugh. For more pillow-themed jokes, don’t forget to check out the rest of our article.

pillow puns image

Sleeping Troubles, Laughing Solutions

Having trouble falling asleep at night? Or maybe you wake up feeling tired and restless? Don’t fret, you’re not alone. But why not find the humor in it? These jokes and humorous anecdotes poke fun at common sleep problems and offer lighthearted solutions to make you smile.

1. Why did the insomniac go to the beach? He wanted to catch some sleep.
2. What do you call a snoring dinosaur? A sleepasaurus.

3. Did you hear about the pillow that always works out? It pumps itself up.

4. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.
5. How do you know if your bed is alive? It snores.

6. Why did the man put his bed in the fireplace? He wanted to sleep like a log.

funny sleeping problems and solutions

These hilarious sleep solutions will have you laughing in no time. Just remember, a good night’s sleep is no joke!

Pillow Personalities

Have you ever wondered what kind of personality your pillow might have? If you have, you’re not alone! Here are some funny pillow memes and personality pillow jokes that will give you an idea of what your pillow might be like:

  1. My pillow’s always trying to fluff its own ego
  2. My pillow’s favorite band is “The Flufftones”
  3. My pillow’s the life of the party, but it always ends up passed out
  4. My pillow’s motto is “always fluff, never flat”
  5. My pillow’s always up for a late night chat, but you might end up with bed hair the next morning
  6. My pillow’s got a crush on my blanket, but it’s too shy to say anything
  7. My pillow’s definitely a side sleeper
  8. My pillow’s a little rough around the edges, but it’s got a heart of fluffy gold

These hilarious personality pillow jokes are sure to make you see your pillow in a whole new light. Don’t forget to check out some of the funny pillow memes that perfectly capture our relationship with these fluffy sleeping companions.

funny pillow memes

Pillow Couture

Who says that pillows can’t be fashionable? Check out these funny pillowcase quotes and pillow fashion puns that will give you a glimpse into the luxurious world of pillow couture:

  1. “A well-dressed pillow is the key to a stylish bedroom.”
  2. Pillow fashion: the only kind of fashion that you can snuggle up with.”
  3. “Why wear designer clothes when you can sleep on designer pillows?”
  4. “A pillow without a fashionable case is like a model without makeup – plain and boring.”
  5. “My bed is my runway and my pillows are my models.”
  6. Pillow fashion may not be on the cover of Vogue, but it definitely deserves a spot in your bedroom.”


With these funny pillowcase quotes and pillow fashion puns, you’ll never look at your pillows the same way again! Experiment with different pillowcases and make your personal style statement with the latest in pillow couture.

Pillow Wisdom

As we say farewell to our collection of hilarious pillow jokes, let’s end on a high note with some witty and humorous pillow sayings:

  1. “I love you more than my pillow.” – Unknown
  2. “Happiness is a good pillow to sleep on.” – Unknown
  3. “The only thing better than a good night’s sleep is a good pillow to rest your head on.” – Unknown
  4. “My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do.” – Unknown
  5. “A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting.” – Unknown

So the next time you snuggle up with your favorite pillow, remember these funny pillow quotes and let them bring a smile to your face.

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