84+ Arcade puns that will make you laugh and rack up points

Experience pixelated puns and retro fun as we explore the arcade, a world of joystick jockeys, button-mashing maniacs, and high-score hunters. Enjoy this collection of puns that will tickle your funny bones and ignite your arcade nostalgia.

1. What do you call a bear playing an arcade game?? A claw champ.

2. What do you call a fish that is playing an arcade game?? A gill-gamer.

3. What do you call a dog playing an arcade game?? A paw-some player.

4. What do you call a pig playing an arcade game?? A hog-wild gamer.

5. What do you call a cat playing an arcade game?? A purr-fect player.

6. What do you call a mouse playing an arcade game?? A squeakin’ good time.

7. What do you call a horse playing an arcade game?? A neigh-borly competitor.

8. What do you call a bird that is playing an arcade game?? A tweet-tastic experience.

9. What do you call a snake that is playing an arcade game?? A slither-in sensation.

10. What is the name of the game that a turtle plays in an arcade?? A shell-shocked surprise.

11. How does a ladybug participate in the arcade game called? A lucky little gamer.

12. What do you call a spider that is playing an arcade game?? A web-slinger sensation.

13. How does a butterfly participate in the arcade game called? A flutter-by fun-time.

14. What do you call a bee playing an arcade game?? A buzz-worthy adventure.

15. What do you call an ant playing an arcade game?? A colony of gamers.

16. What do you call a worm that is playing an arcade game?? A wiggly-good time.

17. What do you call a fish swimming in a sea of arcade games?? A gamefish.

18. What do you call a bunch of arcade machines that fight all the time?? A squabblecade.

19. What word would you use to characterize a video game addict?? A joystick junkie.

20. How would you characterize someone who is exceptionally skilled at arcade games?? A pixelated prodigy.

21. What do you call someone who is a terrible player at arcade games?? A button-mashing blunderbuss.

22. What do you call someone who cheats on an arcade game?? A joystick jockey.

23. What do you call a person who talks about video games all the time?? A non-stop gamer.

24. Who is the name of a person who regularly wins video games?? A joystick juggler.

25. What do you call a person who plays arcade games and loses all the time?? A quarter-eater.

26. Who should you call when someone plays arcade games nonstop?? A joystick juggernaut.

27. What do you name a person who always brags about how skilled they are at video games?? A pixelated peacock.

28. What do you name a person who laments their performance at the arcade all the time?? A whiny gamer.

29. What do you call someone who tries to play an arcade game longer all the time?? A life-stealing leech.

30. What do you call someone who tries to get other people to stop playing their games?? A joystick jockey.

31. At the arcade, what do you call someone who keeps trying to take credit for other people’s wins?? A glory-hogging gamer.

32. What do you call a person who is always looking for an excuse for why they didn’t win at the arcade?? A sore loser.

33. What do you call someone who always has to speak first in an arcade dispute?? A joystick jawboner.

34. What do you call a person who has to be right all the time in trivia arcade games?? A pixelated pedant.

35. What do you call someone who needs to be the center of attention all the time in an arcade?? A spotlight hog.

36. In an arcade game, what do you call someone who feels pressured to consistently beat everyone else?? A pixelated prick.

37. What do you call someone who feels the need to be the loudest person in an arcade?? A joystick juggernaut.

38. What do you call a person who can’t resist trying out a new arcade game?? A beta tester.

39. What do you name a person who always has to be the last person out of an arcade?? A joystick junkie.

40. What would you call an arcade game collection that never seems to function correctly?? A wreck-ade.

41. What do you call a person who dedicates all of their time to trying to beat the arcade game’s record?? A pixelated perfectionist.

42. What word would you use to characterize someone who is always searching for cheat codes for arcade games?? A code-cracking commando.

43. What do you call a person who is always looking for ways to exploit bugs in video games?? A glitch-grifter.

44. In an arcade game, what do you call someone who keeps trying to get free play??

45. What do you call a group of loud arcade games?? A racket-cade.

46. What do you call someone who makes sneaky attempts to sneak into an arcade?? A quarter-dodger.

47. What term do you use to describe someone who is always trying to win prizes from an arcade?? A prize-pig.

48. What word would you use to characterize someone who consistently looks for unfair gaming advantages?? A cheat-seeking chump.

49. What do you call someone who is always trying to make fun of other people’s arcade skills?? A pixelated punk.

50. What word would you use to characterize someone who approaches a well-known arcade player and asks for an autograph?? A joystick jockey.

51. What do you call a person who keeps trying to get a job at an arcade?? A joystick junkie.

52. What do you call someone who keeps coming up to an arcade staff member to ask for free tokens?? A token-taking trickster.

53. What do you call someone who is always trying to get first dibs on the new arcade games that are coming out?? A pixelated preview peeping tom.

54. What do you call a person who is always searching for ways to get discounts on arcade products?? A joystick jockey.

55. What do you call a lineup of arcade games that consistently attract a large number of players?? A populair-cade.

56. What do you call a person who blindfolds themselves and plays arcade games all the time in an attempt to beat the high score?? A pixelated daredevil.

57. What do you call an arcade gamer who is always attempting to beat their own record?? A self-proclaimed champion.

58. What do you call a person who is always attempting to play an arcade game with two joysticks at once in order to get the highest score possible?? A joystick juggler.

59. What do you call a person who is always trying to press the buttons on an arcade game as fast as they can to earn a high score?? A button-mashing maniac.

60. What do you call someone who attempts to cheat on an arcade game all the time just to get a high score?? A pixelated pilferer.

61. What do you call a person who keeps trying to use an arcade game’s glitches to get a high score?? A code-cracking commando.

62. What do you call a person who plays an arcade game continuously and uses a turbo controller to try to beat the high score?? A turbo-charged tyrant.

63. What do you call someone who constantly tries to beat the high score on an arcade game using a joystick that is too small for their hands?? A pixelated pincer.

64. What do you call a person who continuously tries to beat the record on an arcade game by using a joystick that is too big for their hands?? A pixelated paw.

65. What’s the name for a set of arcade games that are always problematic?? A delinqu-cade.

66. What do you call someone who plays an arcade game constantly on one foot and tries to beat the high score?? A pixelated tightrope walker.

67. What do you call someone who continuously tries to beat the high score on an arcade game by spinning in circles?? A joystick jockey.

68. In an arcade game, what do you call someone who continuously juggles three balls in an effort to get the best score possible?? A pixelated prestidigitator.

69. What do you call a sandwich eater who is always trying to beat the arcade game’s high score?? A pixelated pig-out.

70. What do you call someone who tries to beat the high score on an arcade game and drinks soda all the time?? A pixelated pop-guzzler.

71. What word would you use to characterize someone who is on the phone all the time trying to beat the clock on an arcade game?? A pixelated yakker.

72. What do you call someone who enjoys music and arcade games all day long, always aiming to beat their personal best?? A pixelated pulsing pinhead.

73. What do you call someone who tries to beat the high score on an arcade game and watches TV nonstop?? A pixelated couch potato.

74. What do you call a person who strives to beat the highest score on an arcade game during their whole sleep cycle?? A pixelated snoozer.

75. What would you call an arcade game collection that features nonstop fighting?? A brawlicade.

76. What do you name a person who handstakes all the time in an effort to beat the record on an arcade game?? A pixelated pole vaulter.

77. What do you call someone who tries to beat the high score on an arcade game by constantly trying to perform cartwheels?? A joystick gymnast.

78. What do you call someone who tries to breakdance while playing an arcade game nonstop in an attempt to beat the high score?? A pixelated pirouette.

79. What do you call a person who continuously tries to beat the high score on an arcade game while moonwalking?? A pixelated moonwalker.

80. What do you call someone who, in an attempt to beat the high score on an arcade game, keeps doing the robot dance?? A joystick jiggler.

81. What do you call someone who lives for an arcade game, spending all of their time trying to beat the record while doing the electric slide?? A pixelated boogie woogie.

82. What do you call someone who is always trying to beat the record on an arcade game while dancing the samba?? A joystick samba dancer.

83. What do you call a person who constantly tries to beat the record on an arcade game while dancing the salsa?? A pixelated salsa shark.

84. What do you name someone who plays an arcade game and does the macarena all the time in an effort to beat the record?? A joystick flamenco dancer.

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