48 Baseball Puns to Hit a Home Run with Laughter

Our collection of 48 baseball puns will get you into a league of laughter.

Take a swing at our 48 baseball puns—it’s the perfect pitch of humor for baseball fans and anyone looking for a belly laugh. Join the laughter league—it’s a home run of smiles just waiting for you.

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1. Why did the baseball player go to jail? He got caught stealing second base!

2. What do you call a baseball player with a pet dog? A pitcher with perfect “bark” control.

3. Why was the baseball team always in trouble? They kept getting caught in a “pickle.”

4. How do baseball players keep in touch? They touch base every now and then.

5. Why do baseball players make great musicians? They have perfect pitch.

6. What did the baseball glove say to the ball? “Catch you later!”

7. Why did the baseball team go to the bank? To get their shortstops.

8. What do you call a snowman who can pitch? A snowball pitcher.

9. How do baseball players stay cool during the game? They stand near the fans.

10. Why did the baseball coach go to art school? To learn how to draw a good curveball.

11. What do baseball players do when they get mad? They throw a fit.

12. Why was the baseball team so good at math? They had a lot of “algebrats” on the team.

13. What’s a baseball player’s favorite Star Wars movie? The Empire Strikes Out.

14. Why did the baseball team go to space? To find a home run galaxy.

15. How does a baseball player keep in shape? He runs around the bases.

16. What do you call a baseball player with a cat? A catcher.

17. Why did the baseball player bring string to the game? To tie the score.

18. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of candy? Cracker Jacks.

19. How do baseball players stay cool? They have a great fan base.

20. Why did the baseball player become a chef? He knew how to handle a batter.

21. What’s a baseball player’s favorite kind of birthday cake? A swing cake.

22. Why did the baseball player become a gardener? He wanted to improve his pitch.

23. How do baseball players stay warm in the winter? They stand close to the heater.

24. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of sandwich? A triple play.

25. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? To reach the high pitches.

26. What do you call a baseball player with a beard? Hairy Bader.

27. How do baseball players stay focused? They have a good catcher.

28. Why did the baseball team go to the bank? To get their short stops.

29. What’s a baseball player’s favorite candy? Pop-flies.

30. How do baseball players stay cool during the summer? They have a great team fan.

31. Why did the baseball player go to the bank? To get his pitcher changed.

32. What do baseball players do when they’re in the sun too long? They get a tan-der.

33. Why did the baseball player bring a pencil to the game? To draw a line in the outfield.

34. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of dog? A pitcher.

35. How do baseball players keep in touch? They touch base.

36. Why did the baseball player go to the doctor? He had a bad case of the runs.

37. What’s a baseball player’s favorite vegetable? A home runion.

38. Why did the baseball player bring a hammer to the game? To hit a home run.

39. What’s a baseball player’s favorite thing to do in the garden? Pitch.

40. Why did the baseball player bring a broom to the game? To sweep the series.

41. How do baseball players stay cool in the summer? They have great fans.

42. What’s a baseball player’s favorite kind of music? Swing.

43. Why did the baseball player become a musician? He had the perfect pitch.

44. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of cookie? A home runie.

45. How do baseball players stay cool during the game? They have a great catch.

46. Why did the baseball player become a musician? He had perfect pitch.

47. What’s a baseball player’s favorite kind of candy? A pop-fly.

48. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of birthday cake? A swing cake.

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